
Delirium is a book about sadistic chimpanzees tyrannising mankind with mask mandates and mind-control vaccines.

Actually it’s not.

But Delirium is about a pandemic. The book, whose russet red and devil black colours you see in the image above, follows a motley group who, with nothing but certain death to gallop into if they stay in Prague, must journey to the relative safety of sealed off village. Yet though secure from the virus, all’s not well there because … well folly is easy.

Which is why I’m pleased to announce that Delirium will be released on the 27th June 2023. At which point you may get a copy and find out all the crazy what went on.

News, events and updates will be posted in due course.

Available at:

Book Review

Another excited reviewer of Delirium. This one by Irene @the.cluttered.bookcase

July 20, 2023

Rating: 4 out of 5.

What do you do when society collapses at the tail-end of a global pandemic? The answer for Anton Kratochvil is, of course, play the violin and chug brandy in the burning streets of Prague. At least they were cheerful tunes.
When Anton sees a doctor he knows in the distance being chased by an angry mob, his obligation to offer support in the form of what, at first, might to be not much more than physical proximity, takes him on a journey through a country where society has collapsed, in search of a safe haven based on at best hear say, possibly on hallucinations. Does that safe haven exist at all, and how safe will it actually turn out to be?

Delirium is not an easy or a comfortable read. It hits a bit close to the bone, with our own pandemic and some very early, albeit mild symptoms of societal collapse still very fresh in our memories.
The language of the book, although eloquently written, is reflective of the fraught nature of the plot, so again, not an easy page turner and as such it might not appeal to all. The story is set in the Czech Republic, with characters bearing Czech names. This further adds to the otherness and detachment that the story creates, I’m sure intentionally, for better or worse.

Upside: ‘the Last of Us’ vibes of a post-pandemic society and human nature, as the possibile dawn of society. Topical. Consistent characters and interesting dialogue. Well described, vivid settings.
Downside: a rather long initial section of the book introduces many characters, whom we don’t immediately get to know in great depth. Aside from creating some confusion, I felt that this added to the sense of detachment. This might have been the point, but for me personally made the story a bit harder to engage with.

In summary, Delirium is one to pick up if you like gritty, slow- burn dystopian novels, centered around those left behind, and a reflection on human nature and society. Probably not a beach read, best savoured on dark Winter evenings.
I recently saw someone refer to certain types of books as ‘palate cleansers’. With that in mind, I would think of Delirium probably more like a Cabernet Sauvignon. But if you’re a fan of dystopian fiction and you’re looking for a thought provoking read rather than one to binge in half a day, this will hit the spot.

For full disclosure, this review is provided as part of the Bookstagram Tour and I was gifted the paperback edition.

Available at:

My Top Five Picks of Books Where a Catastrophe Makes Society Fall Apart

The swell fellers at have shared my short reviews of what amount to my favourite Post Apocalyptic books. The decent folk at shepherd are running a new way of generating book interest by getting published authors to recommend five titles. It’s a more serendipitous way of discovering books based on a specific thread or theme. I’m certainly a fan. It’s lovely. So if you want to see what five I’ve picked just click on the link below and then have a little hands-in-pockets saunter about the place to see what’s what. By the way, they didn’t pay me to say any of this. I just think the site is rather neat.

Bookstagram Tour!

Step right up, folks and have a peak at delirious Delirium’s deliriously delirious instagram book tour! It’s going to be full of weird wonders and marvels. Step right up, step right up. Free entry. Bring the family. Come on up and get on the wagon for the great Delirium Bookstagram Tour. Running from the 17th – 23rd July 2023.

Sign up for author interviews, excerpts, giveaways and more.

Click here to have a look.

Pre-Orders Are Now Available!

Delirium is coming!

The pandemic’s over but what is the ‘New Way’ that they must live under?

Why do they believe so assuredly that they are right?

And who will triumph and who will be destroyed?

This fast-paced post-apocalyptic takes us down the river from the collapse of civilisation because of a fever of the body, to the frenzied madness of the mind. Doctor Eliška Korbova must find the way to bring the survivors out of the hysterical chaos of the end of the old world, only then to have to fight the self-destruction of the ‘New Way’. Can wisdom be found before everything’s lost to tyranny and illusion?

Well, there’s a lovely selection of options if you’re interest is tickled and want to pre-order a copy or find out a bit more about this story:

Barnes & Noble
Cranthorpe Millner

More options will follow in the coming weeks towards release day June 27th 2023.